The full program of EnergyShiled’s “Building upon cyber resilience in energy sector”  online conference is now ready. 

Please take a closer look at the sessions planned by the EnergyShiled Consortium members and don’t forget to register.

“Building upon cyber resilience in energy sector” is the name of the event and covers a wide range of topics wiht relevance for EPES and for the critical infrastructures in general. 

A representative from DG CNECT will kick off the event. Then we will continue with the outcomes of the project, live demonstration of the integrated system and our dissemination, communication and exploitation strategies. For this session we have also invited the leaders of ECSCI – and CyberEPES  clusters. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

EnergyShield_Final event_AGENDA 

Between the 14th and 16th of June, the event Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe 2022 is being held at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest.

Day 3 is being dedicated to an Overview of European Horizon Europe Programmes. It brings a deeper look at the current range of Horizon Europe Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience projects and research programmes across Europe that are designed to enhance understandings for adapting policies and adopting best practices. EnergyShield project was among the projects presented in this session and was presented by Monica Florea, HoU European Funds at SIMAVI. 

EnergyShield addresses the vulnerability at cyber attacks of energy transport infrastructures and aims to develop a toolkit to ensure the protection of critical energy infrastructure. This project covers the whole spectrum of energy infrastructure: producer, consumer, and distributor. This toolkit combines innovative cybersecurity tools that will be adapted and configured for use in critical infrastructure: vulnerability detection (attack modeling application), monitoring and protection (anomaly detection and DDoS applications), and an SIEM system.

The latest Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe came to a conclusion following 3 days of excellent range of presentations and discussions for securing Europe’s critical infrastructure.
Co-hosted by ICI Bucharest and the International Association of CIP Professionals, held at the magnificent Palace of Parliament, delegates also enjoyed a host of networking opportunities and shared experiences.


Registrations are now open for EnergyShield’s final event online “Building upon cyber resilience in energy sector “.  Book your seat to the event to receive connection details and updates about the full program.  

A full day event to present the results of the EnergyShield project and to interact with the audience is prepapred by EnergyShield Consortium members. 


10.00-11.30 Welcome & keynote message
11.30-12.00 Addressing the vulnerabilities of EPES
12.00-12.45 Monitoring and managing security and privacy incidents through the EPES value chain
12.45-13.00 Q&A | 13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.30 Deploying the tools in OT environment
14.30-15.15 The opportunity of a toolkit for Critical Infrastructures (CI) / EPES
15.15-15.30 Q&A
15.30-16.15 Reaching the audience
16.15-16.30 Wrap-up

Looking forward to seeing you at the event! 


Preliminary results of EnergyShield project were presented on 27 of April at the  2nd ECSCI Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection CIP.  The focus of the presentation  was on how could stakeholders shield the power grid from cyberattacks.  EnergyShield project the tools and pilots were introduced and policy contributiions were shared alongside  with some lessons learned and ways to reachout the project. 

The relevance of a toolkit for Critical Infrastructures (CI) / EPES – like the proposed by EnergyShield – was evaluated during project implementation. Supply chain for CI has gotten recently and software supply chain risks become additionally very visible (e.g Solar Winds incident). To this end the need for complex systems that are fully flexible and ensure different deployment possibilities and easy adoption of new technologies is highly relevant. Moreover, the current market shows the existence of many cross-sector tools and a limited offer for the energy sector. The latest incidents however provide good arguments for the exploitation of a toolkit like EnergyShield. 

Building an online identity as well as creatin flexible systems are essential. Starting from a plethora of technologies and use case functionalities the EnergyShield system needs to provide full flexibility. In adapting and integrating technologies the technology providers have improved and adapted the tools making them ready for integration through the overall EnergyShield system and interacted with Practitioners to collect feedback (testing and evaluation of tools. Also, a flexible integration concept was designed and is being implemented to ease the accommodation of tools and a Portal to securely access the toolkit. Technology providers have collaborated towards preparing and accommodating tools using different technologies in a common environment (EnergyShield toolkit) and using a data fusion mechanism combined with machine learning to create a global view.

About the event. This workshop presented the different approaches on integrated (i.e., cyber and physical) security in several different industrial sectors, such as finance, healthcare, energy, air transport, communications, industrial plants, gas, and water. The peculiarities of critical infrastructure protection in each one of these sectors have been discussed and addressed by the different projects of the ECSCI cluster that presented their outcomes, discussing the technical, ethical and societal aspects and the underlying technologies. The workshop included three opening remarks, three keynote speeches, 21 projects presentations, 2 roundtable and panel discussions,  21 thematic presentations, and closing remarks. The audience included scientists and experts in the field of critical infrastructure protection, CISOs, CIOs, CERTs, CSIRTs, CSOs, cyber and physical security experts representing different sectors and policy makers for critical infrastructure protection. 

On April 29th, 2022 the main accomplishments of the EnergyShield project were presented at the “Trends in managing current security and predictive maintenance challenges in Smart Energy Grids in Romania” workshop. The workshop was organized by the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering ( together with several companies in the field. The project, together with the main results and an invitation to the final event were presented by Assoc. Prof. Ana-Maria Dumitrescu from SIMAVI. The workshop was held in Romanian, for the EPES sector stakeholders in the area.

EnergyShield project was presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection (CPS4CIP 2021) – Security & Trust

CPS4CIP 2021 is the second workshop dedicated to cyber-physical security for protecting critical infrastructures that support finance, energy, health, air transport, communication, gas, and water. The secure operation of these critical infrastructures is essential to the security of a nation, its economy, and the public’s health and safety.

EnergShield Consortium has just released the report of the European workshop Trends, opportunities and choices in designing a cyber resilient EPES infrastructure organized on the 15th of April 2021, 10.00 CET. EnergyShield_Workshop Report_v0.6

A total of 135 persons attended the online EnergyShield workshop and the majority were interested in the opening session topics. 

The event was initiated and organized by three EnergyShield partners: Software Imagination & Vision (Coordinator), KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Dissemination& Communication Leader) and National Technical University of Athens (Collaboration Leader). 

The event gathered Critical infrastructure stakeholders, business, academia, and industry professionals from 8 European countries around cross-domain topics. 

Different aspects of cyber security in EPES sector including standardization efforts and policy updates were addressed during the opening sessions leaded by representatives from European Commission, ENISA and energy standardization and regulatory bodies. Also, a brief introduction of Energy Shield project and a demonstration of the toolkit developed completed this session.

The second part of the workshop focused on two topics that will be addressed in two consecutive panels equipped with high profiled experts from the field. The first one elaborated on the effect of work from home on energy and IT infrastructures, while the second one addressed latest incidents targeting critical infrastructure and their impact on designing new technologies, business models and policies.

Energy Shield Consortium is inviting you to attend online workshop “Trends, opportunities and choices in designing cyber resilient EPES infrastructure” on the 15th of April starting at 10.00 CET.  

Media Kit:

Targeted audience: If you are an EPES value chain stakeholder, critical infrastructure and/or cyber security expert, researcher, scientist or domain enthusiast, please register here


Event structure & objectives:

EnergyShield online workshop aims at engaging different stakeholders in cross-domain topics via:

  • Opening sessions approaching standardization efforts and policy updates impacting critical infrastructures and cyber security.
  • Demonstration of Energy Shield toolkit.
  • Two panel discussions  about the impact of the home working on energy and IT infrastructures and on how the lasted incidents targeting critical infrastructures are reshaping technologies, businesses and policies landscape.

Active participation:

  • During the event, you will be able to address questions via chat and discuss with the other participants.
  • Prior the event, you can fill two panel related surveys to provides insights, propose questions or launch topics of discussion (Panel 1 and Panel 2).
  • After the event, a report will be issued and all the topics an question will be addressed.

Help us spread the word!

  • Use #EnergyShield_Event2021 to promote the event via Twitter.
  • Check out the latest news on project website
  • Join EnergyShield group and event on LinkedIn
  • Check out the full program to find out more about the speakers and about who’s endorsing the event EnergyShield_workshop-Program-V3-small

While deciding… please watch a video presentation of the Energy Shield project

Looking forward to seeing you at the event!

The EnergyShield Consortium is preparing an online workshop to promote the EnergyShield project and engage different stakeholders in cross-domain topics.

Trends, opportunities and choices in designing a cyber-resilient EPES infrastructure” workshop is scheduled for the 15th of April 2021 (10.00 to 12.30 CET). Relevant energy and cybersecurity stakeholders, representatives from the European Commission, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, standardization and policy bodies will join the discussions related to designing new solutions or adopting new technologies, business models and policies. Latest incidents targeting critical infrastructures and the work-from-home impact in energy and IT domains will be approached.

All interested stakeholders are invited to attend the online event.

Follow us on the  website and Twitter to find out more about the agenda and the registration options.

On October 22nd, EnergyShield objectives, tools and pilots were presented as part of the final day of the international congress BioBioEnergia The congress is annualy organized by the BioBio Region in Chile and gathers experts, professionals, enterprises and academia from Chile, Latin America and other continents. The consortium was represented by dr. Ana-Maria Dumitrescu (SIMAVI) with her intervention (Smart meters and cybersecurity in energy. European initiatives and examples from Romania (Medidores inteligentes y seguridad cibernética en energía. Iniciativas europeas y ejemplos de Rumania, in Spanish). The Congress was available to the public through several platforms (e.g. and had a total audience of almost 675.000 persons in its four days.